Goals of a Sleep-Deprived College Student

02 Feb 2023


Having come into this class with prior experience with HTML, CSS and Javascript, I am slightly ashamed to say I expected this class to be a simple web development course where we made pretty websites and called it a day. I was terribly mistaken. After the first lecture I quickly realized there was much more to this class than just writing code. After my very first experience with athletic software engineering through WODs (“workout of the day”), I realized there was much more to software engineering than simply using HTML, CSS and Javascript to make aesthetically pleasing websites. These discoveries ignited in me a sense of intrigue in the world of software engineering and anticipation for the semester ahead.

My Hopes for this Class

As both a coder and an artist, I appreciate websites with good design and a pleasing aesthetic. Whenever I visit a website I like, I always take a minute to marvel at its design and play around with its utilities. In the future, I hope to learn more about creating interesting interactive websites that are both useful and pleasing to the eye.

I also hope to not only become a faster, stronger programmer but to also become more confident in my programming skills. Despite having coded for at least 4 years now, I am still not as comfortable with coding as I would like. For all the times where I am confident in my skills there is an equal amount of times I have second-guessed myself and my code suffered because of it. I believe the design of athletic software engineering with its time limit and problem solving will help me build up the confidence needed to give me that extra push in the ICS industry.