Bike Lane Bonanza

To celebrate the opening of the Pensacola and King Bike Lanes on Oahu, my Climate Crew Cohort III worked together with Blue Planet Organization to plan and host a bike lane challenge we titled “Bike Lane Bonanza.” The goal of this project was to bring attention towards the bike lane and to encourage more people to utilize it. Participants had the chance to enter a raffle to win prizes such as Patagonia backpacks and a Biki helmet as long as they posted a picture of themselves on instagram riding on the bike lane with the tags “#BikeLaneBonanza” and “@BPF_Changemakers.”

As part of the advertising team, I, and two other team members, worked together to create eye-catching posters for the event. We also researched good hashtags and catchphrases to use to both make the challenge stand out and make it easier for my team to find the posts of participants to enter them into the raffle. About a week before the challenge, my team members and I took turns posting to the BPF_Changemakers instagram about the challenge and communicating with the other groups our progress on the advertising.

From this experience I learned a lot about working in a team to launch a big scale project and how much work it is. Prior to the start of the Bike Lane Bonanza, I was under the impression that it would just require a few hours of my time each week and I could continue to focus most of my attention on my highschool work. Therefore, when I realized it would cost me much more than that I was a little surprised. I was forced to adjust my schedule so I could manage both the Bike Lane Bonanza and my school assignments while also preserving the quality of my work. I also learned that in order to be able to create an impressive project, it not only requires you to do your best, but also good communication and teamwork with your teammates. If you’re unable to work as a team, you will get nowhere.